I am Web Developer & Trainer , young entrepreneur , CoFounder of FormaLab an IT Training & Dev Lab , Founder of ESEN Android Club a very well known university club based in Manouba and for my studies, I did my Master Degree in database modeling and system integration at the heigher school of digital economy Manouba,

Web Developer & Trainer.
MEAN Stack Developer , Javascript & Angular enthusiast
- Birthday : 29th December
- Phone : +216 58 921 953
- City : Tunis , Tunisia
- Degree : Master
- Email : ghozziayoub@gmail.com
- Freelance : Available
I am currently working at FormaLab as Full Stack Engineer and Trainer. I created websites for different types of clients , I also trained individuals and professionals in different technologies.
Happy Clients
Happy Learners
Hours Of Training
I started to develop projects with Angular Framework in January 2017, starting with the
decomposition of the
project on different modules and components, integration of templates and communication with
APIs developed by nodejs and express Js.
Those APIs in turn use MongoDB’s Node.js drivers, either via callbacks for using Promises,
to access and update data in MongoDB database
Ayoub Ghozzi
Web Developer with 3+ years of experience developing websites from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.
- Tunis, Tunisia
- (+216) 58 921 953
- ghozziayoub@gmail.com
Master’s degree : Modeling, Databases and Systems Integration
2016 - 2018
The Higher School of Digital Economy - University of Manouba
The Master "Modeling, Databases and Systems Integration" allows professionals to deepen their knowledge in application development and to acquire new expertise and efficient engineering in the field of big data. Indeed, in addition to mobile and web development which is of paramount importance for the digitalization of companies, the world of Data Science has also become crucial for all organizations.
Licentiate degree : IT Management
2013 - 2016
The Higher School of Digital Economy - University of Manouba
Develop essential computer skills, with a focus on the design and development of business management oriented computer applications.
Professional Experience
MEAN Stack Developer & Trainer
01 / 2017 - Present
FormaLab, Tunis, Tunisia
- Customer needs analysis with the project manager
- Delegate tasks to members of the dev team and provide counsel on all aspects of the project.
- The development of user interfaces from graphic models and integrate them into an Angular project
- The development of the backend part and the different APIs with nodejs and expressjs
- Train individuals and professionals in the field of programming and web development
End of studies internship - Master degree
02 / 2018 - 07 / 2018
Dash Engineering, Tunis, Tunisia
- Modeling and development of a web platform for the management and visualization of smart meter data in Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS & MongoDB
End of studies internship - Licentiate degree
02 / 2016 - 05 / 2016
BIAT, Tunis, Tunisia
- Development of an intranet website generator for the various departments of BIAT in JavaScript & PHP 5
16. Jean Jaures Street, 1001 Tunis
+216 58 921 953